About the Business

As an osteopath I am equipped to help you get better as quickly as possible from the everyday aches and pains which can make life unpleasant, to more serious pain which can make life almost unbearable.

Whether you have hurt your back lifting or have been told by a doctor you have 'wear and tear', I can help relieve the pain. Some conditions, while not curable in the conventional sense, will be relieved by osteopathic treatment. At the same time, some which may have lingered for ages, even years, can be readily relieved by osteopathic treatment.

I also specialise in treating babies and young children using cranial osteopathy and other techniques. Babies suffering from Colic respond well to cranial osteopathy. Cranial is also useful in the treatment of babies born via caesarean or ventouse delivery whose heads may not be the correct shape. I also treat all the routine musclo-skeletal problems associated with pregnancy and childbirth, in other words I can treat mother and baby.

Location & Hours

South Pines, Forest Drive

Kingswood, KT20 6LU
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